Dec 7, 2010

Upgrading Equipment and Staying on Budget

For clinics, medical facilities, veterinary and dental practices, outfitting your medical facility with the most updated equipment and devices on a limited budget can be a challenge. For this reason, many decision makers have decided to concentrate on purchasing used medical equipment as a result of hospital liquidation.

Many medical facilities worldwide find themselves struggling with debt, so they are compelled to close, and hospital liquidation of used medical equipment is unfortunately becoming routine. In the past, hospitals and hospital systems that merged with or acquired other facilities typically kept those facilities open. Now, when hospitals and systems buy their competitors, they are often shutting them down in the name of eliminating excess hospital beds, making good-quality used hospital equipment a more common entity on the open market.

In many states, there is a move to more open and more day-based, community patient healthcare facilities, while closing down hospitals in which beds were not filled, so hospital liquidation is on the increase in many places. Maximizing bankruptcy through medical liquidation means that it is possible to find updated, used hospital equipment in good condition, which is advantageous to healthcare facilities wishing to stay current, while saving money. This translates major savings for you.

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