Oct 28, 2010

AEDs and You

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a better way to save ones life than cardiopulmonary resuscitations (CPR). Heart attack or cardiac arrest is considered to be 2nd most powerful killer in the world aids being the first. CPR alone was termed as the best form of first aid, but gradually as time passed experts in the field of medicine are suggesting that AEDs are a better option. Most of the heart attack occurs without a warning so there is a great need for each one of us to educate on how we can save a life of a heart attack sufferer. A severe heart attack victim has just six minutes before the brain dies. To insure the survival of the heart attack sufferer with in four minutes one needs to use AED. An automated external defibrillator (AED) is an electronic device designed to deliver an electric shock to a victim suffering of sudden cardiac arrest.

AEDs are electronic devices which automatically diagnose a potentially life threatening cardiac arrest in a patient. AED is an electronic device that intellect the heart beat of a person and automatically applies an electric shock if an abnormality is sensed. It is built with smarter intelligence that while sensing the rhythm of the heart it checks weather there is a need of a shock. These automated defibrillators are portable electronic devices that are easily operated. Even a layman can use these automated external defibrillators by attending first aid classes where one is taught the correct method of using these devices. AEDs are not only safer to use but also are faster in delivering a current when needed.

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