Oct 19, 2010

What to Look For in Pulse Oximeters

A pulse oximeter is a medical device specifically designed to measure the level of oxygen of the blood. It is a very simple device and saves you a lot of time in going to doctor to have this procedure done. What the pulse oximeter basically does is connect to one end of the finger and the hemoglobin saturation is measured and is compared to normal levels (which are usually between 95 to 100% saturation). When looking at pulse oximeters for sale, there are a few factors to consider.

You should know that there are many types of oximeters and that you should select the one that is appropriate for you and fits your needs. These oximeters range from small to large, but the larger ones are used mainly in hospitals. The smaller, handheld oximeters and the portable fingertip pulse oximeters are ideal for use at home and even for sport and fitness applications.

Oximeters also differ in prices and when looking at pulse oximeters for sale, you should determine how much you are willing to spend. Luckily, there are oximeters to fit just about anyone's budget (not to mention the fact that there's a good chance that your health insurance plan will cover the purchase). The price range for these oximeters vary across the board in terms of less than a hundred dollars up to a couple thousand dollars. You must keep in mind that the higher priced oximeters do not necessarily mean better quality. However, what you should be looking for is an oximeter which gives an accurate, saturation readings and pulse rates.

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