Nov 9, 2010

Introducing the Quinton Q4500 EKG/Stress Monitor

Have you been looking for a great deal on the Quinton Q4500 EKG/Stress Monitor but find it to be a little too expensive for you? Look no further than Davis Medical to get you this great machine at the best price! Here are some general benefits and trademarks of this system:

  • Design Your Display Format
  • The Quinton Q4500 gives you more flexibility in determining the appearance of the display during the stress test. Select from eight standard audio and/or visual alarms and pre-set them based on your patient's particular threshold levels.
  • Filters for Cleaner Traces
  • The Q4500 uses digital filters that dramatically reduce muscle artifact and baseline wander on your live ECG tracings.
  • Customize Your In-test Reports The Q4500 lets you design your in-test reports in a variety of ways.
  • The Q4500 allows you to easily customize your reports in an almost unlimited number of combinations.
  • Pre-Edit during Your Patient's Recovery Now you can preview the final report and enter final report information while your patients are still in the recovery phase.
  • Customize Your Final Reports Like many other systems, the Q4500 lets you include a summary page, interpretation, tabular report, graph page, average beat, and worst case summary for your final reports.
  • For the graph section, select up to nine graph types, including a full ST/HR slope graph, HR x BP, systolic and diastolic BP, and more.

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