Nov 28, 2010

Using Portable EKG Monitors to Prevent Strokes

Physicians use electrocardiograms investigations in evaluation of any abnormal heart disease symptoms. Patients who may require these tests are elderly individuals who experience sudden onset of weakness or fatigue or chest pain. It can also to investigate causes of sudden onset of rapid heartbeats.

In individuals who have a strong family history of heart disease and over the age of 40 years, ECG/EKG testing are used to detect any early signs of heart disease.

The optimum methodologies used to describe a doctors analysis of EKG / ECG testing is that they provide a window to how a healthy heart would look. This is the easiest way for them to see differences in heart rhythm, heart rate and other patterns of the heart electrical impulses. In cases where a patient's heart shows abnormalities, additional testing is usually ordered to determine the nature of the problem, but first doctors will try to identify recurring patterns over time. In additions to these testing, physicians also use the ECG/EKG investigation to analyze the effects of medications or drugs.

Traditionally, 12-Lead ECG is performed at physicians clinic or in hospital. The downside to this type of testing is that it only records a few minutes of time. Since so many heart conditions are not occurring all of the time, this type of test is insufficient in detecting these problems.Also they require trained technicians to perform these investigations.

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