Dec 13, 2010

Buying Used and Refurbished Really Saves You a Lot!

Medical laboratory equipment is rather expensive. So, many healthcare professionals consider the option of used and refurbished medical equipment when purchasing equipment for their medical institutions. Refurbished medical equipments are actually used devices, sent back to the dealer, possibly because of some defect. Such products are often serviced and sold as new at a lower price.

An Affordable Alternative to Purchasing New Products

Buying used and refurbished medical equipment is always a wise choice at it adds up to significant cost savings when compared to buying brand new products. Apart from cost savings, buying quality used and refurbished medical equipment offers a number of benefits. It allows you to own top brand equipment at a low price. They also provide the same performance level as that of new equipment and come with a return policy or warranty.

Dec 11, 2010

Davis Medical is a Leader in Medical Equipment Sales

There are many different types, models and manufacturers of medical laboratory equipment. These products can be purchased from reputable and established dealers who offer an extensive selection of laboratory equipment from the industry's most respected manufacturers. The equipment they make available includes blood gas analyzers, electrolyte analyzers, immunology analyzers, coagulation analyzers, centrifuges, and more.

Prior to making your purchase, it is important to consider a few points. You have to be aware of the condition of the used and refurbished medical devices, shipping options, warranty options, and so on. It is always best to purchase used and refurbished medical equipment from a reputable dealer, who will ensure that the medical equipments you buy are fully refurbished and tested to current OEM specifications. With a proper market survey, you can find many products that would ideally meet your requirements and demands, and that too within your budget.

Davis Medical Electronics is the affordable source of fine Medical Laboratory Equipments like Centrifuges, Chemistry Analyzers, Hematology Analyzers, Blood Gas Analyzers and more.

Dec 9, 2010

Who You Look to for Used Medical Equipment

Medical practices and institutions can save up to half of their expenditures by buying used hospital and laboratory devices online to successfully update equipment, while maintaining cost control. There are services that provide turnkey assistance to buyers of used medical devices. As thousands of physicians and administrators have discovered, buying from hospital liquidation sales, at a fraction of the cost of new equipment, can be a simple, user-friendly and safe experience. Online sales can lead to bargain purchases, improving your facility's ability to best serve your patients, but it is important to know what you are getting and to have someone educated in the process to assist you when buying any used hospital equipment.

Medical facility consolidations and closures can be handled by a reputable company, uploading the entire inventory of a particular hospital liquidation sale, giving buyers the opportunity to buy all the equipment they require. Secure and ethical trading of used medical devices being sold due to hospital liquidation can be promoted online, through a variety of features that benefit both buyers and sellers; protecting their safety and making the process simple and secure. Make sure to do your research and find a global medical platform that you can trust.

Look for companies that have an international presence, including multilingual features, allowing medical facilities to benefit by buying used hospital equipment, when acquiring such excellent equipment may not be otherwise possible.

Dec 7, 2010

Upgrading Equipment and Staying on Budget

For clinics, medical facilities, veterinary and dental practices, outfitting your medical facility with the most updated equipment and devices on a limited budget can be a challenge. For this reason, many decision makers have decided to concentrate on purchasing used medical equipment as a result of hospital liquidation.

Many medical facilities worldwide find themselves struggling with debt, so they are compelled to close, and hospital liquidation of used medical equipment is unfortunately becoming routine. In the past, hospitals and hospital systems that merged with or acquired other facilities typically kept those facilities open. Now, when hospitals and systems buy their competitors, they are often shutting them down in the name of eliminating excess hospital beds, making good-quality used hospital equipment a more common entity on the open market.

In many states, there is a move to more open and more day-based, community patient healthcare facilities, while closing down hospitals in which beds were not filled, so hospital liquidation is on the increase in many places. Maximizing bankruptcy through medical liquidation means that it is possible to find updated, used hospital equipment in good condition, which is advantageous to healthcare facilities wishing to stay current, while saving money. This translates major savings for you.

Dec 5, 2010

Are You Really Getting the Best Deal?

You may think that you are getting a great deal on a piece of equipment that is considered used, but you should always find out what the latest equipment consists of. In short, make sure that your used piece of equipment is up to par. Medical equipment is constantly being updated, and if you purchase an older piece of equipment, your practice may be viewed as outdated. Instead, always do your research and make sure that your equipment is current. Then again, the advantages and disadvantages of buying used medical equipment are not always so clearly defined.

If you happen to note that a new piece of equipment is now available on the market, you may not want to buy it. That's right - buying a new piece of medical equipment may not be beneficial after all. For example, companies tend to change minute details pertaining to medical equipment, and though last year's model may be slightly different than this year's model, you may not need the newer version. Of course, if a newer model has been greatly improved, it is worth the new purchase price.

In the end, the advantages and disadvantages of buying used medical equipment will really be up to you to decide upon. There are some certain cost benefits associated with buying used medical equipment, but there are also some good reasons why you should buy new equipment. In order to build a practice that is up to date and efficient, you will have to consider all of your options.

Dec 3, 2010

Buying Used Medical Equipment

The advantages and disadvantages of buying used medical equipment are not many, but there are some things that you should be aware of before you make any sort of purchase.

Surprisingly, the first thing that you should think about when it comes to buying used medical equipment is not money. Instead, consider the type of practice that you currently have (or, the type of practice that you want to open), and ask yourself if a certain piece of equipment will remain important for years to come. If you think that a new technology may soon present itself, buying a used piece of equipment may be the more logical approach to furnishing your practice. Still, the advantages and disadvantages of buying used medical equipment must be carefully examined.

One definite disadvantage associated with buying used medical equipment is that used equipment can sometimes be faulty. Since used equipment has already been a part of a previous medical practice, you have no idea what sort of repairs and abuse a particular machine may have taken. Another thing to think about when it comes to used medical equipment is the year in which the equipment was manufactured.

Dec 1, 2010

The Best Prices on Medical Equipment

Medical equipment is made to aid in the analysis as well as treating sufferers. Medical equipment additionally performs extremely important part in checking the health of someone undergoing remedy at a medical center. Using the creation of web, the actual medical equipment field offers seen the phenomenal growth as well as transmission. The basic medical equipment can be classified into the following kinds:

-- Analysis gear, that include medical imaging machines like the MRI and extremely seem machines, X-ray devices, CT scanning devices as well as PET

- Therapeutic instruments such as Laser eye surgery surgical gear, medical lasers as well as infusion sends

-- Life support instruments that are employed to assist within the functioning of the entire body correctly like the dialysis machine, ECMO, heart lung machine, anaesthetic machines and ventilators

-- Monitoring equipment, called vital signs monitors, that allow the medical professional to keep the track of the capabilities of the various essential organs of the individual like the EEG, ECG as well as blood pressure checking gear

- Numerous medical lab devices that allow experts to evaluate urine, genes as well as blood

Nov 28, 2010

Using Portable EKG Monitors to Prevent Strokes

Physicians use electrocardiograms investigations in evaluation of any abnormal heart disease symptoms. Patients who may require these tests are elderly individuals who experience sudden onset of weakness or fatigue or chest pain. It can also to investigate causes of sudden onset of rapid heartbeats.

In individuals who have a strong family history of heart disease and over the age of 40 years, ECG/EKG testing are used to detect any early signs of heart disease.

The optimum methodologies used to describe a doctors analysis of EKG / ECG testing is that they provide a window to how a healthy heart would look. This is the easiest way for them to see differences in heart rhythm, heart rate and other patterns of the heart electrical impulses. In cases where a patient's heart shows abnormalities, additional testing is usually ordered to determine the nature of the problem, but first doctors will try to identify recurring patterns over time. In additions to these testing, physicians also use the ECG/EKG investigation to analyze the effects of medications or drugs.

Traditionally, 12-Lead ECG is performed at physicians clinic or in hospital. The downside to this type of testing is that it only records a few minutes of time. Since so many heart conditions are not occurring all of the time, this type of test is insufficient in detecting these problems.Also they require trained technicians to perform these investigations.

Nov 25, 2010

Purchasing a Vital Signs Monitor for Your Medical Practice

1. Vital Signs Monitoring Systems can be divided into three groups based on acuity: low, medium, and high. These three categories represent the care settings and the types of patients to be monitored.

2. Low acuity monitors perform basic vital signs monitoring, and may be used for outpatient surgical applications with a low level of monitoring.

3. Medium acuity monitors are found in a variety of settings, including the emergency department, intermediate care unit, and general medical/surgical floors. These may be modular or configured with other add-on modules.

4. High acuity monitors are used in CCU and OR environments, or in post anesthesia care units. They may be modular or configured with other add-on modules.

5. Using a LAN based system, central-monitoring stations should display and control data from bedside monitors, in a way that a failure of any bedside monitor or central station display will not affect the performance of the entire system.

6. A monitor should be able to display data from another bedside monitor, including automatic display of alarm information.

7. The central stations should display waveforms, numeric and graphic displays, tabular displays, and calculations.

Nov 23, 2010

Life and Death With Vital Sign Monitors

There are different tools a healthcare professional uses to measure blood pressure.

Many healthcare professionals use a stethoscope and a manual sphygmomanometer to measure your blood pressure. Typically they take the reading above your elbow. The sphygmomanometer has a bladder, cuff, bulb, and a gauge. When the bulb is pumped it inflates the bladder inside the cuff, which is wrapped around your arm. This inflation will stop the blood flow in your arteries. The stethoscope is used to listen for sound of the heartbeat, and no sound indicates that there is no flow. As the pressure is released from the bladder, you will hear the sound of the blood flowing again. That point becomes systolic reading. The diastolic reading is when you hear no sound again, which means that the blood flow is back to normal.

Current technology, now offers portable automatic blood pressure monitors. Some models can be battery operated, take reading from the wrist or arm, and have a memory to keep track of historical readings. Other models can include other vital sign monitoring, such as temperature, heart rate, and oximetry (the amount of oxygen in your blood).

Some manufacturers of blood pressure measuring devices include, WA Baum, Mabis, Omron, American Diagnostic Corporation, and Welch Allyn.

Nov 21, 2010

The Keys to Purchasing Finger Pulse Oximeters

There are a few factors that you should consider before buying your finger pulse oximeter and they are as follows:

1. Always know that the best pulse oximeters are available at different prices. The highest price is not often the best in quality and therefore you should choose wisely in terms of what you can afford.

2. Check to make sure the finger pulse oximeter is FDA approved. Even though the oximeters are now certified, a few years the current standards.

3. The main reason for purchasing the oximeter is to measure your oxygen saturation and your pulse rate. Therefore you would only want something that is going to give you accurate and reliable readings.

4. You should also determine if your oximeter is easy to use and if you can read the results clearly through the display. Different devices show the results differently.

For some individuals, having a finger pulse oximeter that they can use at home is quite important. Instead of having to make appointments to go see a doctor or nurse in order to measure their oxygen saturation levels, they can conveniently use a finger pulse oximeter to determine how much oxygen they have in their blood stream.

Nov 19, 2010

Solaris Handheld Pulse Oximeter with Alarm for Finger Good Readings!

With the rate of technological development taking place in this modern era, even medical instruments and devices are fast becoming smaller and more affordable. When it comes to the finger pulse oximeter, the once massive large equipment can now literally fit in your pocket (with many oximeters weighing less than 2 ounces). What the pulse oximeter does is measure the oxygen saturation level in the blood. These more compact models can provide the same valuable data as compared to the ones which are placed on you when you are in the hospital (and it is just as quick). To use a finger pulse oximeter, you place one end of the device on your fingertip and the reading comes up on the screen in a few seconds.

Here's the basis of how the oximeter works in order to provide accurate readings of the oxygen saturation levels in the blood: infrared light is absorbed by oxygenated hemoglobin and the red light is allowed to pass through. On the other hand, the opposite is said for the deoxygenated blood. Beams of red light and infrared light are directed from the oximeters through your finger and goes onto the photo detector on the opposite end. The photo detector then calculates the ratio of the red light to the infrared light. This then gives the oxygen saturation level. Persons who are healthy will have an oxygen saturation level between 95% to 99%. The oxygen saturation level indicates how well the heart, lungs and blood are supplying organs with oxygen.

There is a lot of competition when it comes to selling the finger pulse oximeter as there are several manufactures such as Nonin, GTek, Minolta, Maxtec and many more. However, the competition is good as this can mean getting a better price and allowing more individual of different backgrounds to have their own finger pulse oximeter. Many of these medical devices are FDA approved and show both your oxygen level and your pulse rate.

Nov 17, 2010

Philips Zymed XT 96 Hour Recorder to Keep Your Heart on Track!

Biometric monitors are used in measuring biological data. Depending on the purpose, there are different kinds of biometric monitors that can be used. In the case of an electrocardiogram (ECG) machine, it is a device made to measure the activities of the heart, working by recording electronic impulses sent out by the heart in between heartbeats. With a built-in screen or print outs, it provides medical personnel with the needed results.

Kinds to choose from

ECG biometric monitors also come in two kinds, ambulatory and interpretive. Ambulatory ECG monitors feature the Holter monitor, a small recorder that needs to be worn by the patient everyday. Using that, a graphic record of the heart's electrical currents is made in order to detect abnormal activities that may be due to stress and emotional or sleep problems.

Two models of the ambulatory ECG monitor are available: intermittent and continuous. Intermittent models are worn for weeks or months although recording only happens once in a while, while continuous models, as the name suggests, continuously monitors heart activity for two days. Interpretive ECG monitors, on the other hand, use charts in interpreting heart activities. Usually featuring an operation with a 12-lead rhythm, it can run automatically or be manually operated. Interpretive ECG monitors also commonly use interpretation software like pediatric analysis and pacemaker enhancements.

How to choose

Look for an upgradeable model which allows for long-term use while at the same time giving room to address changes that may be required. That way, you won't have to keep changing units just to keep up with your needs. For accurate displays and print outs, look for one that comes with an alphanumeric keyboard. An ECG machine that features a large LCD screen also makes things easier for you since results are easier to read out.

Nov 15, 2010

Why Buy Doppler Ultrasound Equipment?

Ultrasonography is a less invasive and less expensive modality which is easy to schedule and perform in an emergency situation. Sonographers can be called to perform this as an alternative to arteriography and venography, which involves injecting dye into the blood vessels so that they can be detected as X-ray images.

Duplex Ultrasound
A duplex ultrasound is a combination of tests to see how blood moves through your arteries and veins. Duplex means that two types of ultrasonography are employed: regular B-mode ultrasounds, and Doppler ultrasounds. The conventional ultrasound shows the structures of your blood vessels and Doppler shows the movement of your red blood cells through the vessels and the sound of the frequency shifts.

Doppler Ultrasound Semantics
It is interesting to note that in sonography, the word Doppler is used similar to the way the word Kleenex is. People use tissues and refer to them as Kleenex when they're not. In sonography, the word Doppler is used when true scientific Doppler is not what is really being done. It's similar, but different.

The technical point to know is that Doppler Ultrasound equipment is technically concerned with sound frequency, whereas in ultrasound applications we compare the PHASE of the sound. In what we do, Phase Shifts are more detectable and are what we measure, not frequency, but it's similar so it's referred to as Doppler sonography. Semantics!

Nov 13, 2010

The Summit Doppler Vista AVS Advanced Vascular System for the Best Diagnosis!

While B-mode ultrasound can show images from within the body, the movement of blood and its speed cannot be measured with it alone.

Doppler ultrasound can detect and measure the movement of red blood cells as they cause a change in pitch of the reflected sound waves (called the Doppler effect). There would be no phase shift (rate of change in pitch) if the blood wasn't moving.

How Doppler Ultrasound is Performed
Ultrasound technicians trained in ultrasound imaging (sonographers) place a probe (transducer) over the area of the body being diagnosed. First an image of the region of interest is acquired. Then the vessel is located and the transducer is angled so that the best Doppler shift can be obtained. The best location would be to be able to look directly into the vessel (much like looking into a tunnel). Because of how the vessels are located in the body this is of course often not possible. Thus maneuvering the probe or steering the ultrasound/Doppler beam will make this plausible.

Acquired Doppler information can be heard, shown on a chart (much like and EKG) or in colored blood streaming through the vessel.

Types of Doppler Ultrasound
Commonly, two types of Doppler transducers are used Continuous Wave Doppler and Pulsed Wave Doppler.

Continuous Wave Doppler ultrasound transducers use two crystals, one to send and one to receive echoes. The transmitter emits a continuous sinusoidal wave so a receiver can detect the phase shift. An audible sound is recorded and analyzed. CW Doppler provides high sensitivity to low velocities and detection of high velocities without aliasing. However, CW Doppler cannot distinguish between the sending and receiving signals or extraneous echoes. CW Doppler ultrasound does not produce images like Pulsed Wave Doppler does.

Pulsed-Wave Doppler Ultrasound is combined B-mode to produce images of a certain structure. PW uses a pulsed echo system, the PW transducer both sends and receives the signal. It sends in short bursts, on and off, so it can receive when it is not sending.

Nov 11, 2010

The GE Mac 1200 ECG at the Perfect Price!

An ECG sensor has a very heavy workload in modern medicine. Used all over the world, the ECG or electrocardiogram measures the electrical activity of the heart and can point the way towards a wide range of different issues with the main blood pump of the body.

The heart beats in a regular rhythm to pump blood throughout the body. It does this by contracting one area of itself to force blood out while another area relaxes to let blood in. The rhythm is kept up by the natural pacemaker of the heart known as the sinoatrial node. This node sends out electrical impulses that keep the heart beating regularly.

The electrical signals can be measured and tracked, allowing doctors to follow the rhythm of the heart and determine if there are any issues. In an ECG test, the electrical impulses made while the heart is beating are recorded and usually shown on a piece of paper. This is known as an electrocardiogram, and records any problems with the heart's rhythm, and the process of heart beat through the heart, which may reveal underlying issues.

An ECG sensor is what actually reads the electrical impulse being generated by the heart and allows that signal to be recorded and tracked. Usually ECG's are done when people are having trouble breathing, chest pain, or feeling like their own heart beat is abnormal. One of the most common usages of an ECG is to look for evidence of coronary disease in the arteries. The one problem, however, is that for a number of patients the ECG recording at rest can be normal while it might be abnormal during exercise. Because of this, there are ways to do ECG's while a patient is exercising.

ECG's can show a number of different things. They'll show if a patient has had a heart attack, the impact heart medicines might be having on the heart, or if the heart has a slow or fast rhythm. The test can prove thickening of the heart muscle itself from chronic high blood pressure or even if there are too few minerals in the blood. ECG's are non invasive, mostly comfortable (though some patients don't enjoy the exercise part of the stress ECG's) and easy to administer. All in all a very impressive result from such a common ECG sensor.

Nov 9, 2010

Introducing the Quinton Q4500 EKG/Stress Monitor

Have you been looking for a great deal on the Quinton Q4500 EKG/Stress Monitor but find it to be a little too expensive for you? Look no further than Davis Medical to get you this great machine at the best price! Here are some general benefits and trademarks of this system:

  • Design Your Display Format
  • The Quinton Q4500 gives you more flexibility in determining the appearance of the display during the stress test. Select from eight standard audio and/or visual alarms and pre-set them based on your patient's particular threshold levels.
  • Filters for Cleaner Traces
  • The Q4500 uses digital filters that dramatically reduce muscle artifact and baseline wander on your live ECG tracings.
  • Customize Your In-test Reports The Q4500 lets you design your in-test reports in a variety of ways.
  • The Q4500 allows you to easily customize your reports in an almost unlimited number of combinations.
  • Pre-Edit during Your Patient's Recovery Now you can preview the final report and enter final report information while your patients are still in the recovery phase.
  • Customize Your Final Reports Like many other systems, the Q4500 lets you include a summary page, interpretation, tabular report, graph page, average beat, and worst case summary for your final reports.
  • For the graph section, select up to nine graph types, including a full ST/HR slope graph, HR x BP, systolic and diastolic BP, and more.

Nov 7, 2010

Stress Testing With the Quinton Q Stress Test Monitor

When a person is faced with a lot of duties, heavy responsibilities, influential life events and crisis, he is confronted with stress.  Stress is quite normal. In fact, it is beneficial. It keeps us focused and alert. However, too much stress is harmful. A stressed out person is vulnerable to illnesses. One of the most common and the most dangerous effects of too much stress is heart disease.  Unfortunately, many people ignore the symptoms until it is too late and they get sick. They might not even know that they are stressed and think that what they are feeling will just pass away. That is why doctors recommend people to take a stress test.

A stress test is also called a treadmill test or exercise test. Through a stress test, a doctor can find out how your heart is working amidst an increased workload or physical effort.  The test makes the body work harder than it should. This means the body will require more oxygen. Therefore, the heart will beat faster to pump more blood and deliver more oxygen to the cells. The stress test will then determine if there is an increased blood supply in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. It also helps the doctors determine what sort of exercise is needed for a patient.  A stress test starts with the doctor asking a person about his health background. The doctor also asks him about his work and how he is feeling. Next, medical sensor pads are placed on the patient's body and hooked up to a heart monitoring equipment. The patient then steps up on a treadmill and walks slowly.

The speed of the treadmill is increased, making the patient walk at a much faster place. Furthermore, the treadmill also inclines gradually. In effect, it is as if the patient is walking up a small hill. The person is also asked to breathe into a tube.  During the test, heart rate, breathing, blood pressure and electrocardiogram is measured and monitored.  When the person is exhausted, he can tell the doctor to stop the machine. The patient's heart and blood pressure is also checked after the machine is stopped.  Medical professionals are usually present when during the stress test. While the stress test might involve very little risk for healthy people, doctors don't take chances when the test is administered to stressed-out people. Medical assistants are usually present to handle emergencies that may happen.  Stress tests are used to diagnose possible or existing heart diseases, determine a safe level of exercise and to find out if the patient is in danger of heart disease in the midst of stress.

Nov 5, 2010

Why You Need a Stress Test with Philips Stressvue Demo With Treadmill!

There are a lot of people out there who really need to take a cardiac stress test but who are just not aware of it. This is why it is so important for you to take the time to learn about cardiac stress tests, what they are, and when they would be necessary in your life. This could just save your life, and so it is important to recognize when one would be needed in your own life.

Of course first it is important to learn about what a cardiac stress test really is, and why the result would ever be helpful. It is a certain test that is used, and which is mainly performed on a treadmill. This test is basically used to determine the amount of stress that the heart can take, to see how good of condition the heart is in and whether or not it is being affected by the stress that the person is dealing with in their life.

A cardiac stress test works because as your body continues to work harder and harder during the test, the heart has to pump more blood and so your doctor is going to be able to see whether or not your body is able to keep up with this. If not, then chances are that your heart is just not in good enough condition and so they are going to want to do something about it to get it stronger and working better.

Keep in mind that there are several things you may be asked during this, and which you should not be surprised about. You are going to be walking on a treadmill and they may even ask you to breathe into a tube for a few minutes, but this is not always necessary, so you shouldn't be surprised either way.

During the test your heart rate, breathing and blood pressure are all going to be monitored, and you are going to know the results once it is completed.

If anything does need to be done once you have completed the stress test, your doctor is going to be able to talk with you and make sure that you are together going to find the right treatment and get your body in the best shape, just as it should be, and then will probably perform another stress test a few months down the road to note any improvement.

Nov 3, 2010

GE Vivid S5 for Ultra Class Ultrasound!

With the ever changing technology, hospitals and clinics have been forced to update their medical ultrasound equipment many times, as to follow the new technologies. Acquiring such equipment is a big step – there are many providers but prices and delivery options can sometimes be a real puzzle for hospital managers and clinic owners. Davis Medical is proud to be able to simplify the process of acquiring those machines. A leader in providing medical ultrasound equipment and many other medical supplies, Davis Medical is the best company to affiliate yourself with if you are looking to purchase new or used ultrasound equipment or starting up a new medical office.

Davis Medical offers a very wide array of products, which are separated in 8 distinct categories: Radiation Therapy, Medical Physics, X-ray, Nuclear Medicine & PET, Mammography, Ultrasound, CT and MRI. Davis Medical also offers exclusive products like Multisource, ArcCHECK, Prone Breast System and Relax&View DvD. Whether you are looking for a machine such as scanners [dosimetry], ultrasound gels, dose calibrator or even some positioning aids, CSP Medical is sure to be able to help to advise you and sell you the right product for your medical office.

The majority of the products offered by Davis Medical are basic items that are essential in any health environment but that are, for some reason, hard to come by from many other providers. CSP is dedicated to offer quality products from well-known brands such as RTI, Inc, Gammex, Leeds Test Objects, Sun Nuclear Corporation and others. When buying from Davis Medical, you know you will get your product at the best price, from the best brand, delivered on time and where you want it to be.

Nov 1, 2010

Philips Pagewriter TC30 Just for Your Company!

The ECG unit is a diagnostic tool which measures and informs about the heart's conditions in details. Besides monitoring the working conditions of the heart, it also helps in determining the traveling of the electrical impulses across the heart and aids in the identification of abnormalities in them. The use of this machine is even better when the patients show particular symptoms which include irregular heart beat, hard breathing or chest pains. A few decades ago this machine was restricted to hospitals only primarily because of its size and complexity in handling. But with rapid advancement in technology it has undergone drastic transformation and its size has been reduced to handheld portable devices which can be used by layman with perfect ease.

The ECG equipments and supplies that you get on online medical stores come in diverse models with sophisticated features. They are equipped with LCD monitors and alphanumeric keyboard along with internal loudspeaker. They have auto analyzing and diagnostic software used for the purpose of interpretation, standard internal memory and upgraded recording paper. They are further enhanced with built in rechargeable lithium battery and thermal printer. You also get the standard accessories of these electrocardiogram equipments like ECG cables, suction and clamp electrodes, power cords, fuse and rechargeable lithium batteries.

Online medical stores, such as Davis Medical, are the best places to purchase the ECG equipments and supplies as you can get them at discountable rates with complete kit including user manual, quick reference card and user guide for interpretation. To purchase these machines you just need to log on to the websites of the medical stores. These online stores have a list of the ECG equipments and keep all the essential information like features, descriptions, discounts, specifications, warranty, etc. All these information are presented in a very straightforward manner. Also through the online medical stores it is easy to search, find and order the products one is looking for.

Oct 31, 2010

Purchasing Tips for Holter Systems

Holter systems are complex tools that cover a wide range of diagnostic tests. A necessary addition to patient testing, many factors should be considered when selecting a holter system that matches your specific needs.

With technology constantly improving, it is important to stay on top of the latest trends and breakthroughs. Medical equipment like holter systems are no exception with the use of electronic data assisting in providing more accurate and detailed measurements. Davis Medical Electronics offers the following tips on purchasing a Holter System that is not only functionable, but covers the specific needs of your medical practice.

1. Scanners should provide a time and heart-rate display, full disclosure, and pacemaker analysis.

2. These units should be reading recordings at 60-240 times the recording speed.

3. Facilities should consider and select the data archiving methods that they will need for their specific tests.

4. To receive transferred data from the recorder, a real-time scanner should have an electronic interface.

5. For all types of beats - regardless of whether it is a normal, ventricular, and/or supraventricular beat - the reports should indicate total beats and a beat per hour.

6. The following are required features: an arrhythmia detection indicator, ST segment analysis capability, trend graphs for the R.R interval, ST segment deviation, and ventricular beats.

7. The following data should appear on the patient's strip for the most detailed and necessary results: the time, patient identification, heart rate, and arrhythmias; full disclosure must be expanded on the strip.

Oct 29, 2010

A Vital Sign Monitor is Vital

Going under the knife is a popular phrase associated with surgeries, and this phrase came into existence when the surgical knife was probably the most important bit of medical equipment in the surgical room.  As on date, you would find a surgery room resembling the looks of a technological war-room, what with all the latest medical devices donning the landscape of the room.

Vital Signs Monitors are apart from the LCD Monitor, the Vital Signs Monitor is another monitor-based equipment in the surgery room. That said, the function of this equipment is completely different than that of a LCD Monitor. The patient's body is connected to this monitor with the help of electrodes and the monitor screens continuously provide updates on vital health information about the patient. This information also allows the doctor to see how the patient is doing with his health when the surgery is in progress, and make changes accordingly.

The end outcome of a surgical process is definitely based on the skills of the doctor. But, that being said, you would find that these medical devices come in very handy to ensure they provide all the help necessary for a doctor; to carry out the surgery process, with absolute ease

Oct 28, 2010

AEDs and You

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a better way to save ones life than cardiopulmonary resuscitations (CPR). Heart attack or cardiac arrest is considered to be 2nd most powerful killer in the world aids being the first. CPR alone was termed as the best form of first aid, but gradually as time passed experts in the field of medicine are suggesting that AEDs are a better option. Most of the heart attack occurs without a warning so there is a great need for each one of us to educate on how we can save a life of a heart attack sufferer. A severe heart attack victim has just six minutes before the brain dies. To insure the survival of the heart attack sufferer with in four minutes one needs to use AED. An automated external defibrillator (AED) is an electronic device designed to deliver an electric shock to a victim suffering of sudden cardiac arrest.

AEDs are electronic devices which automatically diagnose a potentially life threatening cardiac arrest in a patient. AED is an electronic device that intellect the heart beat of a person and automatically applies an electric shock if an abnormality is sensed. It is built with smarter intelligence that while sensing the rhythm of the heart it checks weather there is a need of a shock. These automated defibrillators are portable electronic devices that are easily operated. Even a layman can use these automated external defibrillators by attending first aid classes where one is taught the correct method of using these devices. AEDs are not only safer to use but also are faster in delivering a current when needed.

Oct 26, 2010

Fetal Monitors and Dopplers

This doppler baby heart rate monitor is the perfect way to listen to your baby's heart rate right at home. Now all mothers can enjoy the pleasure of listing to their baby's heart without the need to get in the car and going on a stressful drive to the hospital.

Listen to your baby's heart beat through either the onboard built-in speaker or through the use of the 3.5mm earphone input. If you are a computer savvy individual, then you can also use a 3.5mm jack cable to connect this baby heart rate monitor to your computer and record your baby's heart beat using the already provided sound recorder in the Windows operating system.

This pocket sized portable heart rate monitor only requires 2 AA batteries to power-up and your good to go, allowing you to take your new Fetal Heart Rate Monitor with you anywhere. The Summit Doppler is designed with three modes that each has its unique spacial function. Mode 1 displays the heart icon when the heart beat of your baby is detected, and also displays the real-time heart rate. Mode 2 displays the heart icon when the heart beat of your baby is detected and averages the heart rate for a more stable reading. Mode 3 calculates an average heart rate over a specific period of time by manually pushing the backlight button to start and stop the reading time.

Oct 23, 2010

Life, Death and Defibrillators

A defibrillator is any device used in the defibrillation of the heart muscle. It is made up of the main unit and is equipped with a set of two electrodes. The electrodes are placed directly on or in the patient. In the case of an internal implanted defibrillator, the entire device is placed inside the body, whereas, with an external defibrillator, defibrillation is carried out externally by placing the electrodes, or "pads", at different points on the torso of the victim or patient.

A defibrillator delivers an electric shock to the heart muscle in an attempt to reintroduce a normal heart rhythm to a someone who has suffered or is suffering cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest, or sudden cardiac arrest (SCA,) occurs due to "ventricular fibrillation". This is simply a situation in the heart in which an electrical "short-circuit" has occurred, causing the heart muscle to " fibrillate" or quiver. The short-circuiting of the hearts electrical system causes a distortion in the coordinated contractions of the heart muscle causing it to fibrillate.

Having a heart in this condition means little or no forward bloodflow is extant in the body, leading to circulatory arrest followed quickly by death. The brief time span between the onset of cardiac arrest and the death of the victim is the main reason that currently less than 5% of people who suffer sudden cardiac arrest do not live through it.

Oct 20, 2010

Looking for ECG Electrodes?

Well if you are, then one of the best places I can suggest is online. I know it sounds a little odd at first. Buying medical supplies and ECG electrodes? Can that be possible? It sure is! Not only is it a possibility, but I can almost bet you are going to get a better price for a better product in a quicker amount of time. There are many suppliers to choose from, but you should also be aware of the traits of a quality medical supply company. First and foremost they should have what YOU need.

If you are searching for machines - Davis Medical Electronics sells them. If you are looking for just ECG, EEG or EKG supplies - find a store that sells just that stuff. If you need many different cardiac care products, there are variety sites as well. People from all sorts of health and medical professions buy these products online; you aren't the only one! They buy from online suppliers because of the ease of ordering, quick delivery and better pricing. So you should take advantage of this convenience as well!

Another common trait of reputable suppliers is the amount of time they've been in business. More often that not, it is safer to order medical supplies from companies that have been around for a while. You should be able to find out about the company by looking at their "about us" contact page..This is usually where that kind of information is! Also, find out if samples are available from the supplier. Many reputable companies will allow you the option to sample their products.

Oct 19, 2010

What to Look For in Pulse Oximeters

A pulse oximeter is a medical device specifically designed to measure the level of oxygen of the blood. It is a very simple device and saves you a lot of time in going to doctor to have this procedure done. What the pulse oximeter basically does is connect to one end of the finger and the hemoglobin saturation is measured and is compared to normal levels (which are usually between 95 to 100% saturation). When looking at pulse oximeters for sale, there are a few factors to consider.

You should know that there are many types of oximeters and that you should select the one that is appropriate for you and fits your needs. These oximeters range from small to large, but the larger ones are used mainly in hospitals. The smaller, handheld oximeters and the portable fingertip pulse oximeters are ideal for use at home and even for sport and fitness applications.

Oximeters also differ in prices and when looking at pulse oximeters for sale, you should determine how much you are willing to spend. Luckily, there are oximeters to fit just about anyone's budget (not to mention the fact that there's a good chance that your health insurance plan will cover the purchase). The price range for these oximeters vary across the board in terms of less than a hundred dollars up to a couple thousand dollars. You must keep in mind that the higher priced oximeters do not necessarily mean better quality. However, what you should be looking for is an oximeter which gives an accurate, saturation readings and pulse rates.

Oct 18, 2010

We Have a Great Selection of Blood Pressure Monitors

When you know that you are a blood pressure patient, and the disease has come to stay for some months and years, the precautionary aspects come to the fore. And they demand your adequate attention.

One of the important points of your day to day routine, is monitoring blood pressure. Naturally, you can not go to your family doctor everyday, and certainly not four to five times a day. But you need to keep a record of your blood pressure levels, by making notes of it at regular intervals, say three times in a day. If you show this record to your family doctor at the time of your next check up, it will help him immensely to understand and review the line of treatment he has designed for you!

Like other medical equipments, there are a number of blood pressure monitor manufacturers. Omron, being the world's leading manufacturer of such instruments, has launched specialized models for home use. Some of the models of blood pressure monitors offered by reputed manufacturers are: manual inflation monitors, automatic inflation monitors and wrist monitors.

Oct 15, 2010

Quinton Treadmills 'R Us

A Quinton treadmill is one of those rare items in the densely populated consumer world – a product that is actually so good that there is little to no hype surrounding it. For those of us wearied by the in-your-face ‘Buy Treadmill!' advertising that attacks us almost every time we switch on our TVs, a Quinton treadmill could be just the breath of fresh air we are looking for.  A Quinton treadmill really is the quiet treadmill champion, and one you can't afford not to buy.

You can't afford not to do your research – your fitness depends on you making the right treadmill choice. And while a Quinton treadmill won't be splashed all over the TV or Internet like so many other brands, a Quinton treadmill is well worth a second look. Consumer reports rate the Quinton treadmill as one of the best available. If you really care about your fitness, then you need to add a Quinton treadmill to your ‘Buy Treadmill' list!

Oct 12, 2010

Buying a Pulse Oximeter

Looking for a pulse oximeterDavis Medical Electronics offers tips and suggestions for purchasing a pulse oximeter for your medical practice.

1. These units can either be stand-alone or part of a module in a larger patient monitor.

2. Most pulse oximeters can interface with printers, recorders, computers, or multiparameter monitoring systems. It is important to make sure that the purchased unit is compatible with existing equipment.

3. The unit should display at least 70% to 100% SpO2 values with an accuracy of ±3%. Pulse-rate measurements should be accurate within ±5 beats per minute within the range of 30-240 bpm.

4. The probes should provide accurate measurements while tolerating probe movement caused by the patients or clinicians.

5. In addition to SpO2 and pulse rate, the oximeter should also display pulse strength and low battery warnings.

6. Audible and visual alarms should alert for high and low SpO2/pulse rate, sensor off, and low battery. This will allow you to keep the pulse oximeter full operational at all times.

7. These units usually operate on AC power, and many have battery backup as well. The unit should switch automatically to battery power if line power fails.

8. Units intended for transport within the facility should operate at least four hours without charging for maximum efficiency.

9. Units intended for transport outside the facility should operate at least eight hours without charging for maximum efficiency.

10. In case of an oximeter that is unable to obtain accurate readings, there should be a clear indication, preferably with the reason.

Oct 10, 2010

We Have EKGs!

One of the most standard pieces of medical equipment in hospitals today is the electrocardiogram (EKG) machine. This helpful machine tells doctors and nurses vital information about the state of your health. Everyone learns at a young age that the heart is an incredibly important part of the body. It is a strong muscle that pumps the blood throughout our body, distributing the vitamins and nutrients we need to stay healthy and keep our organs functioning. An EKG machine is a valuable piece of medical equipment that measures the beat of our heart by picking up on the electrical signals that tell our heart to pump blood.

Every hospital, surgical center, and health clinic has several EKG machines on hand because they not only help monitor an ailing patient, they also give medical personnel information about whether there is a defect in the heart, if a heart attack occurred, or if there is another kind of heart abnormality. However, these machines are very expensive.  If you consider that you need one of these machines available for every patient, you can see how quickly they can add up.

If you are a clinic that needs new machines, you should consider used medical equipment. Used EKG machines are much more affordable and they are in great working condition. These machines have been in use for several years and the technology has been very reliable. Therefore, it is not necessary to have the latest and the greatest version. You simply need something that works accurately. Many hospitals and clinics that are closing have equipment that is still in great shape. Biomedical repair technicians examine every piece closely, replace the parts, and make the necessary repairs so that these machines are ready for several more years of use.

Oct 5, 2010

Advanced Solutions for Diagnostic and Cardiac Care

Looking for refurbished or new quality medical equipment?  Look no further than Davis Medical Eelectronics.  They have all the solutions for your medical equipment needs.  In addition, they offer service and repair on all medical equipment.  You want assurance on the medical equipment you buy.  Why?  Because all medical equipment is expensive, and thus it needs maintained care.  You don't want tohave to worry about equipment failure right?  Then you need to get the service of a licenses, bonded, and insured organization. 

Davis Medical Electronics Offers New and Refurbished:

  • Ultrasound Imaging Systems
  • Electrocardiographs
  • Stress Test Systems
  • Holter Systems
  • Defibrillators/AEDs
  • Trade-Ins Welcome
Get it all with Davis Medical Electronics!

Oct 3, 2010

Getting Physicians Their Medical Equipment

Establishing a medical practice is exorbitantly expensive. After the lease on the office space has been signed, the medical provider has to furnish the entire space and have available all the medical supplies needed to run a successful practice. Locating a reliable medical supply company, such as Davis Medical Electronics, which can provide the essentials at a discount, is an advantage.

When setting up operations there are many facts to consider for ordering medical equipment. Obviously different practices require different kinds of medical devices. Nevertheless, most medical offices will need examination room furniture such as tables, cabinets, exam lights, stools, trays, and sundry jars. Doctors will need the indispensable monitoring devices like blood pressure machines and cups, stethoscopes, pulseoximeters, audiometers, and spirometers with nose clips for tests, and thermometers. Additionally there are diagnostic station modules to monitor vital signs to be ordered.

Doctors will need to order EKG and ECG machines, and the crucial accessories that go with this vital testing tools; there are many to choose from. There are basic back room items to keep the practice clean like the Tuttnauer 9" fully automatic autoclave for sterilizing instruments along with the requisite charts and tray accessories and the Tuttnauer 7000 series large capacity water distiller. As fundamental as all this equipment is, there is much more to fill out the indispensable devices required to supply a medical practice office.

Oct 1, 2010

Davis Medical for Quality Equipment

No practice wants downtime or problems because of equipment failure.  Give yourself the assurance that your service needs will be met by a Davis Medical Electronics service technician.  We have three levels of service contracts to choose from:

Platinum:  All parts, travel, and labor expenses included.  Plus expedited on site response time at customer's location if necessary.  Unlimited technical phone support on all equipment listed on Davis Medical Electronics service agreement Contract.

Gold:  Travel and labor expenses included.  Field Service Technicians will be dispatched shortly after determining a solution.  Parts are separate.

Silver:  Time and Material

What you receive when you have a Davis Medical Electronics Service Contract:

Over 100 Years Combined experience servicing medical equipment
Technicians who work for a licensed, bonded, and insured organization
48 hours response time
Service to old equipment that is no longer supported by the manufacturer
Quarterly Preventative Maintenance Visits
Opt out option with 30 day written notice, for any reason

For Detailed Information, call or email our Service or Sales Department at:

888-FXBYDME (888) 392-9363

Sep 30, 2010

Acuson Sequoia C256 [ACU-SEQUOIA/256]

Acuson Sequoia C256 [ACU-SEQUOIA/256]
Sold as Individual Units
  • The Sequoia C256 provides superior imaging for every patient, with Native Patient Specific Imaging.
  • Native TEQ™ ultrasound technology ensures consistent image quality while reducing operator workload.
  • A new Flat Panel Display reduces glare in all working environments and folds flat for easier system transport.
  • The Sequoia system’s legendary upgradeability and longevity ensures that your investment is protected for years to come
  • Simplified User Interface
  • Image Optimization Scheme with Image Control
  • Contrast-Agent Imaging Capabilities
  • Improved Fundamental Imaging Performance
  • Improved 2D Imaging Performance for 3V2c, 5V2c, and 7V3c transducers
  • Improved Spectral Doppler Audio Performance for 3V2c, 5V2c and Aux CW
  • Improved Vascular Imaging Performance for 6L3c and 8L5c Transducers
  • Transcranial Imaging Capabilities on 3V2c Transducer
  • Cadence Contrast-Agent Imaging Option
  • DICOM Patient Modality Worklist Option

Sep 28, 2010

GE Marquette Case Series ECG Physio Cable to Imaging Systems [DMEGECASE1]

GE Marquette Case Series ECG Physio Cable to Imaging Systems [DMEGECASE1]

  • Performance, & Premium Stress Monitors. Cable includes adapters to fit HP/Philips & Siemens/Acuson Ultrasound systems.
  • Cable can also be called " ECG Trigger Cable ". This cable is considered special order.
  • GE Marquette - GE Marquette Case Series ECG Physio Cable to Imaging SystemsGE Marquette
  • Case Value / Performance, & Premium Stress Monitors.
  • Cable includes adapters to fit HP/Philips & Siemens/Acuson Ultrasound systems.
  • Cable can also be called " ECG Trigger Cable ". This cable is considered special order.

Sep 25, 2010

HP Sonos 5500 Imaging System [HPR2425A]

HP Sonos 5500 Imaging System [HPR2425A]

The SONOS 5500 has all the advanced features you want in a high-performance ultrasound system. Exceptional image quality, revolutionary contrast imaging tools, unique quantitative techniques, extensive applications, and an intuitive user interface allow the most comprehensive echo exams possible.

  • Exceptional image quality--with leading edge technologies like fusion imaging, harmonic fusion, adaptive color and adaptive doppler--shows what you need to see for more confident diagnosis
  • High-resolution monitor with tilt-and-swivel design maximizes comfortable showing from any position, reducing neck and eye strain
  • Front and back acoustically optimized stereo speakers enhance your ability to hear a wider range of Doppler frequencies and provide improved directional dectection
  • Digital storage retrieval with 2.4 Gbyte optical disk provides a viable, durable stroage medium for extraordinary playback quality
  • It's upgradeable platform gives you plenty of room to grow, providing you the capacity to add peripherals and emerging applications. The 3.5 drive allows the addition of future capabilities via software upgrades
  • The quick touch interface lets you initiate a study or change modes with the blink of an eye. Every critical function, button and knob is at your fingertips
  • Customizable user presets instantly configure your HP SONOS 5500 for the study you're about to perform, providing direct access to appropriate controls.
  • The study manager lets you digitally acquire, review and eidt complete patient studies on the ultrasound system
  • Quick system power up (30 seconds) gets your portable studies off to a fast start
  • Color video printer (optional) captures your high-quality images with screen-to-printer color consistency
  • Integrated digital interface option provides network connectivity. This system can be configured to send your studies to a DICOM-compliant server
  • Multi-position foot pedal allows you to lock the front wheels for straigh-tracking cruising; unlock all four wheels for easy lateral movement; or lock all four for secure parking
  • Quad swivel wheels let you park the system right next to a bed. And our compact, portable system makes it easy to negotiate busy hallways, breeze through doorways and ride elevators--with room to spare


Sep 1, 2010

GE Vivid 7 Dimension [GEVIVID7]

GE Vivid 7 Dimension [GEVIVID7]
Vivid 7 Dimension '06, a premier cardiovascular ultrasound system from GE Healthcare, expands on the strength of a powerful imaging platform to offer new, innovative technology of dimensional proportions. Vivid 7 Dimension '06 takes 4D imaging out of the research lab and puts it comfortably into your everyday clinical routine.

  • New Automated Function Imaging (AFI) and Advanced Tissue Synchronization Imaging (TSI) help streamline left ventricular quantification.
  • IMT measuring technology dramatically reduces the time it takes to measure the carotid artery's intima-media thickness.
  • Multi-dimensional imaging lets you simultaneously acquire bi-plane and tri-plane images from the same heartbeat - without moving the probe
  • 4D Coded Phase Inversion (CPI) enhance your contrast imaging
  • Multiple-angle compound imaging enhances border definition, reduces acoustic artifact and improves contrast resolution
  • The 9L transducer features a new ergonomic profile for easier, more comfortable scanning
  • Blood FLow Imaging (BMI) gives you a better understanding and delineation of directional blood flow in vessels
  • Fast pull-menus help you automatically sort and insert information
  • Customizable normal report values let you define measurement values3
  • MPEGvue allows you to export more compressed studies